Second birthday

Ted, Mo and I spent the day together yesterday.  We did alright I think.  We woke up and watched the Giants game.  Then, we went to the market to buy special things for Max.  We bought little balloons that said "Happy Birthday" and "Baby Boy", flowers and a number "2" candle to leave at his grave.  We also bought a balloon to release to him later in the day.  The release balloon was perfect - a big, beautiful, rainbow colored butterfly.  Last year we released live butterflies, this year a balloon butterfly.  Neither of us had ever seen a balloon like this at our market before.  It was meant to be.  Anyway, we took Mo up to visit Maxie.  To get there, we drive right by the Halloween train rides at Griffith Park's travel town.  That is where we should be with Max!  Not visiting him at the cemetery.  But, that is not our story.  Our story happens at Mt. Sinai Memorial, where we spent the afternoon telling our baby how much we love him and miss him.  My mom and Paul had been there before us and had decorated his grave with beautiful flowers.  We put up our decorations and then told him how much we wish he were here - with everything that we are.  We wished him a happy birthday over and over.  Before returning home, we drove through Baskin Robbins for ice cream.  That's our tradition...helps take the edge off a little.  Then we came home, put Mo down for a nap and released the balloon to Maxie with birthday messages from both of us.  Maxie should be two.  He should be two!

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